You can reset the password using your binding email in the following 2 ways:
  1. Tap ‘More’ option in game (P1), then tap ‘Account’ (P2) - ‘Change Password’ (P3)
    - ‘Forgot Password’ (P4), and enter your binding email on this page (P5).
  2. If you fill in the wrong number on the login page, tap ‘Reset’ option (P6) from the popped up notification and input your binding email. After the binding email is submitted, a confirm email will be sent automatically (P7); Click the link provided in the confirming email and follow the steps to reset your password.
  1. The link will expire in 4 hours. A new application for resetting passport is required after 4 hours.
  2. If the link is not sent immediately, please wait for a while with patience. If you fail to receive the email, it might has been automatically put into Spam due to your email settings. Please check that.
  3. If you cannot reset the passport via email, please tap ‘Contact Us’ or email us at